Summary Of Main Points

By the time you have gotten to this web-page you should have read through the entire web-site and come to a conclusion as to whether or not you are willing to invest both your time and hard earned money with this company. Just in case you have forgotten any of the many advantages of joining the company (or you have just jumped to this web-page without reading the web-site) we have decided to summarise them.

The main advantages are as follows:

  • There are no mortgages taken out to purchase any properties are fully paid for upon purchase. This means there is no:
    • Interest payable.
    • Mortgage Stamp Duty.
    • Mortgage Insurance. This saves about 2->3% ($2000 -> $3000 for every $100,000.00) on the purchase price of properties. Mortgage insurance is insurance for not being able to pay the mortgage repayments (no work, job loss/illness etc.).
  • Interest rate rises actually benefit the company as it means more money in our bank accounts (and larger Rent Refunds).
  • Since the banks try to make as much profit as possible it pays them to pay you as little as possible on your account. As a matter of fact these days most lose more money than they pay in interest due to the amount of fees they charges on accounts. So, by investing your money in this company and not letting it waste away in your bank account you are actually hurting where they will feel it most. Also many wealthy companies and people can force banks to compete against each other for better deals (higher interest rates on savings, lower rates on loans and fees) than the average wage earner can. There are more details about this in Banks are bastards of the web-site.
  • By joining the company you will become eligible to rent the property of your choice (either sharing or by yourself) at a price within your finances. There are more details about this in Company Rules of the web-site.
  • If you are not eligible or able to rent a company property immediately you know that your money is at least helping out others obtain quality, fair priced accommodation.
  • Renting properties from this company is much better than normal renting due to our policy of issuing Rent Refund. If you have paid any rent you may be eligible to have a portion of it refunded to you. This will increase the amount of the deposit you are able to pay on any mortgages you may take out in the future. This means you will pay less money in interest (and further reduce bank profits). Please see the Company Rules for more information on this.
  • Also, since there are not outstanding loans/mortgages on any property rises in interest rates do not mean that rents will automatically rise as well. We will keep any rent rises to an absolute minimum and delay them as long as possible.
  • All profits from rents and property sales are returned to members via a Rent Refund. This means that members renting our properties end up paying about the same or even less as those fully owning their own property.
  • As membership numbers (and the number of properties purchased) increase, the company will be able to increasingly bargain to reduce costs (insurance, power, renovations etc.). These reduced costs and increased savings will be passed along to members as part of the Rent Refund.
  • The Rent Refund pool of money will also be used to pay for any legal costs incurred by the company (suing for shoddy inspections, work etc.). Since the legal costs are shared amongst all members entitled to a Rent Refund the individual costs will be reduced (like a class action law suit). This means that we can pursue cases where an average individual would not normally be able to. The fact we will actively pursue people through the courts should make law suits less likely as people will think twice about trying to cheat the company (and in turn the members).
  • If you are entitled to receive Rent Assistance from Centrelink you will be assessed as a non-sharer. This entitles you to a maximum of about 50% more Rent Assistance than those assessed as a sharer.
  • If you need some or all of the money that you have invested with us (job loss, illness, travel etc.) you can access it. Rent Refunds will only be assessed and paid when you actually leave the company.
  • The longer you remain an active member of the company the greater the greater the:
    • rent refund you may be entitled to receive. There are more details about this in Company Rules of the web-site.
    • money you will save in interest on a mortgage.
    • money you will have to invest wherever you want.
This means that the longer that you wait to leave the company and purchase a home the greater your mortgage deposit will be. It also means that up until the point you leave the company your actual cost of living will be at its lowest possible level, leaving you more money to save/invest.